Friday, March 26, 2010

Money of the Social Secuirty

According to Soren Daytons blog on RedState, he presents to us how this years Social Security Trust Fund will dish out more in benefits than it takes in, in revenue. I believe he wrote this story, because he wants to direct this problem to the baby boomers, being most baby boomers are going to retire within the next couple of years. Soren also mentions that passing the Health Reform Bill adds to this crisis, which to me no matter what the Health Reform Bill is going to be an advantage and disadvantage on some things, so to say it’s going to add more to the Social Security crises, is kind of premature. To keep audiences interested, whether it be the baby boomers, or the young generation he should keep the facts coming, and let us know maybe what other sources who know about this problem don’t want to let out.

The basic argument Soren is putting out is how not only is Social Security will dish out from their trust fund, but now how the new Health Reform Bill will be a crisis added to this. The one assumption I believe Soren states is how the new Health Bill is going to be a massive effect on this Social Security crisis. After reading Soren blog, I think the U.S. Government should look and see if they really need to dish out so much money, or dish out what’s absolutely necessary.

In reading this blog Soren has provided evidence that yes Social Security is a mess he states “This year, the system will pay out more in benefits than it receives in payroll taxes, an important threshold it was not expected to cross until at least 2016, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

In conclusion I believe that arguments is successful, and it does convince me that the Social Security is in a rut right now, because if you’re paying out more in benefits, than receiving in payroll taxes, that’s a bad problem.

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