Friday, May 14, 2010

Don't get rid of national prayer day.

In response to my colleagues blog about getting rid of national prayer day, I don't think we should get rid of nation prayer day. You're right if it does violate the first amendment, then why even have it in our pledge of allegiance. I can remember 10 years ago over this topic, and to me people just want something to complain about, (not trying to be rude) but if nothing's happened in the last ten years and looks like nothing will change what's the point to keep bringing this up. Sure voices want to be heard and that's fine but after a while, you know just keep it to yourself. Being that we are in America WE have rights, so with that being a freedom we have, if you don't believe in any religion, then you don't have to do anything, simple as that

Friday, May 7, 2010

Offshore drilling to end.

I think we as American citizens should stop offshore drilling, though we need oil to keep the refineries going I think we should fine other ways to drill oil than doing it offshore. According to culturechange one single oil rig can dump more than 90,000 metric tons of fluid into the ocean, can drop 25,000 pounds of toxic metals such as lithium, and lead into the ocean, and can pollute the air with as much as 7,000 cars driving 50 miles a day. Some of the accidents that have came from offshore drilling is the case in 1992, Chevron USA pleaded guilty to 65 violations of the Clean Water Act and paid $8 million in fines for illegal discharges from the company's production platform of the California coast. Just 5 years later Chevron was fined 1.2 million for operating a well off the coast of Ventura with a broken ant-blowout valve, a key environmental protection on an offshore oil well. To me this company should have had a strict punishment in 1992, but again just five years later and still nothing happened (at that time) there seems to be a problem. Two states who are strongly putting their arguments against offshore drilling consist of Florida and California. According to environment Florida the Deep water Horizon catastrophe caused 210,000 gallons of oil to be spilled into the Gulf each day, the day they hoped would never come may soon be here. According to American Progress the top ten reasons to stop offshore drilling or stop expanding offshore drilling are We can’t drill our way out of the energy crisis, We don’t have enough oil to meet our demand, Oil companies have not utilized the leases they have now, Offshore drilling would have an “insignificant” effect on long-term prices, Drilling could lock us in to a future of expensive gasoline, Production would be expensive, would not start for a long time, and would have no short-term effect on oil prices, There isn’t enough drilling equipment, We can’t refine the oil we would extract, Drilling more oil now is not the path to a future based on alternative energy, Debating offshore drilling in sensitive areas distracts from real solutions. With all these reasons to stop offshore drilling, I believe it’s important to put an end to it and deal with what we have on land, yes it’s dangerous no matter what, but I’d feel people and other environments would be safer from offshore drilling.